Monday, September 10, 2018

Barge Day 3: Montargis to Néronville 43km

Today finds me with new courage and energy...although my legs are still complaining.  I know that one of our group has decided not to ride, and had arranged for an electric assist bike.   I find our bike guide, Weiger, and ask about that bike.  Is it available?  Mostly, how do you ride it???

First things first.  Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and pack the lunch.  Fill the water bottles.  

Ride the barge along the canal to the third lock, and then we must all get off quickly while The Fleur rises or lowers, gets even with the shore, and then everyone must “hop off quickly” as they also quickly transfer the bikes to shore....including an electric one for me!  Still no practice.  

Weiger explains the locks and how we will get to shore at the third lock.

Thinking positive, I’m “ready.”

Thanya is ready to go!

Floating down the calm canal on a lovely barge...why ruin it with 43km of bike riding...she might have thought!?

Everywhere I look there are scenes waiting to be painted.  I take photographs.

The third lock comes quickly and we are suddenly off onto shore and watch the Fleur as she finishes the lock and is on her way. 
 That’s that for the next’s all about the bike.  The electric bike!

Why didn’t anyone tell me this is EASY?!!  

Much of todays ride takes us through the “forests” of Montargis and along French roads, but there are some nice bike paths like this one!

We stop at this village to find a coffee.

Happier face on Nan the electric bike rider!

We discover that when you buy one croissant, you are really buying THREE!  Oh well!  Yum!

It is cooler today, and I have my new bike jacket, which has sleeves that zip off!  So, perfect!

After coffee, it must be time for lunch?!  Right?  No, time for more hills...up we go...INCLUDING me! 
At the top of the next hill, folks stop to pull out water bottles, and this lovely lady and her husband come to their gate.  In their French and our high school French, we learn they are apple farmers.  Would we like to come into the orchard and pick a few apples for our ride?  


We are welcomed by the family farm dog too.

Thanya finds the perfect photo prop.  Fun to be with someone with like ideas!

Soon we are back on the road.  Look who I can keep up with now....our guide!  As a matter of fact, I have a whole new cadre of friends...the folks in the front of the line!  Not to worry, I can spend time with those at the back of the line too....and then peddle right up to the front.  Easy, peasy!

We are now heading for a stop at the Jardin-Musee Bourdelle, which is a wonder sculpture garden.  Our guide at the garden 
is an x-pat who loves France and loves this sculptor.  She has fascinating stories about each work of art.

I seem to recognize this woman...from somewhere....maybe it’s the apple?

Now continue on to the spot on the river where The Fleur awaits our return.

We get back with plenty of time to shower and play ukulele before another incredible dinner aboard.  This girl smiles today!

So, it’s sit around the back deck, add a glass of wine, ukuleles, new friends, old friends, a great instructor, Phil Doleman....

The electric bike is my new best friend.  How far did we ride today?  Not far.  How many hills were there?  Ummm....I don’t remember any!

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