Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Playa in December

Yes, we arrive on the beach December 19th.  It was the regular trip down the Baja and for the 9th time going south.  The TJ crossing was an hour and a half of a long line in back of tourist buses.  For each bus, every piece of luggage was unloaded, each person got their tourist visa, and paid for it, and got back in the bid.  Finally it was our turn.  All registrations presented, all permits, and then the x-ray machine.  Then park and wait.  (Taped to our dash are the words in Spanish "I cannot back up."  Due to having the tow NO diagonal pull in por favor!). Ensenada for the first night is far enough!


Second night finds us high in the sky at Catavinia boulder fields.  

Third night at San Ignacio and fourth....taaa-daaa Playa el Coyote!



This picture of the beach in mid-December looks like a lonely outpost compared to a month later.  The crowds are flooding in this year.  

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