Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Que Pasa? February!

It's February!  The Mulege town square is dressed for the season with beautiful flowering trees!

Yes, this is Valentine's Day 2017 and we are in "downtown" Mulege for a gathering of people who feel it's better to "Build Bridges, Not Walls"....which has many many meanings this year particularly. About 15 folks from the U.S.A. and Canada gather this afternoon with a few little signs to share with the wonderful people of this small Baja town, what we believe.  A few people from Mulege join us!

We are unable to join in the marches at home to express our views on so many things, so this becomes our attempt to "do SOMETHING."

February slips by so quickly.  At least it seems that way looking back.  What do we do with these days on the beach?

While the dogs watch....Carpenter Steve and Assistant Carpenter Nick, build stairs to make entry into the rig easier for Señor Skipper.  Being almost 15 years old, he is having trouble getting up the steep RV steps...so...under the watchful eyes and supervision of Sparky and Skip....

 ....these two busy guys do a little sketch, fetch the drills and hand saw and.....

 ....WOW!  There you go!  Stairs for entry to a palace!  Skipper now gallops up and comes back down without crashing.  I have to say, I am pretty fond of this entry too! (although no galloping for me)

All work and no play...never happens on the beach.  So it's off with the peddle yaks for bird photography.  Now our hands are "free" for camera handling.

How about a little reading...or possibly napping?...in the "Wind Pouch" couch?  This thing is amazing!  It takes a little bit of practice to actually capture the air into the pouch, but the reward is great!  They say, yes, you can use it in airports for long layovers.  Hum....

Busy hands are happy hands so it's off to art for another round of basket weaving.  Seriously?  Yes!

Some of us busy ourselves with listening....for the sound of the ice cream truck driving down the beach.  The price has gone up this year.  It's now $2.35 for a medium cone or cup.  If you are lucky there are two choices, but they both taste almost the same, except the pistachio.  Perhaps because it's green, the mind helps you get the taste?  Of course, there is always the "Chocolate syrup, Señora?"

Somehow at home, I never choose the wine with lunch option, but sometimes here...well...it is a beach lunch on a beautiful "summer day" in the winter!

How about an instant campfire for happy hour time while watching the sunset across the bay?

The days are longer now.  Sunrise at 07:00 and sunset at 18:00 hours.  Daily temperatures usually in the low 70's.  Night time temperatures in the 50's.

February is slipping by....

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