Monday, February 3, 2014

Back on the Back Roads - San Sebastian and San Nicholas

Three Jeep buddies off on an adventure!

Easy road 

It's off to San Sebastian and San Nicholas this day.  The trip into San Sebastian is on a class 2 road…so, graded, bumpy, but easy driving and no real obstacles.  From San Sebastian over to San Nicholas, it's a different story.  That road shows the impact of a few hurricanes.

In San Sebastian we find an oasis of palm trees surrounding a most important element for habitation: water!  Fresh water!  And then the houses.  Surprise…about 12 or so beautiful and fancy houses, mostly owned by folks from north of the border.  We stop and meet a gringo who build his house there many years ago.  Where does he live in the "summer" you ask?  Oh, Port Townsend, WA.  Of course!

We park on the edge of the beautiful bay and in front of houses.

Nan and Jerri talk in the front yard

We are encouraged to sit and chat a spell

This fellow helped haul Gary out of the water 5 years ago.

Lovely home 
Gary wanted to stop here to visit the folks who helped him 5 years ago when he fell and broke his hip on the edge of the shore.  They remembered him and the event!  Then it was off for San Nicholas.

Shore side road between San Sebastian and San Nicholas
We find a place to stop along the water for lunch.  Lunch is always muy importante!  We park and set up for our picnic.  Some of us are more interested in beach combing, and some more interested in…eating!

Jerri and Nan get right to the lunch part.

Norm and his cookies!

Shell seeker Patty…hey!  A giant crab skeleton!

Janelle always has a few chocolates to share.

Steve sets up table too!

Gary, probably thinking about fishing!

Tom has a mutual admiration society around him!

Pups, definitely thinking about lunch!

After our lunch stop we continue on the jouncy road to the small (SMALL) fishing village of San Nicholas.  After crossing the arroyo we find a tiny well kept church, a two room public school and a woman doing some laundry with a scrub board and water barrel.  Her daughter opens the church for us.

San Nicholas church

Our young hostess
So well kept!

Lovely stain glass window in church

Pretty basic school room 

Laundry day….a big job by hand

Our young guide speaks no English.  She opens the church for us as directed by her mother.  Then she leads us a block to the school where the young teacher (male, maybe 18 years old?) is just closing up.  The school day ends at 1:00p.m.  They have 9 students in one room, grades 1 - 5.  There is no education here after grade 5.  There was one book on his desk titles Words in Spanish, a white board with the day and date written on it, 9 chairs, nine table places, (with name tags), and an empty book shelf.  That was it.

Follow Norm and Jerri!
Right before we leave and as we say goodbye, I remember that last year I brought a few little orca flash lights to give away, and I dig one out of the glove box!  Our young guide is very pleased!

We follow Norm and Jerri out of the village, and find our class two road again for a 10 mile drive back to Mex #1.  This road is well cared for as far as grading and small bridge repair work.  I wonder just how often anyone from this little "village" goes to town.  It's a long, long trip just to Mex #1 and then another hour to Loreto.

For us…about 45 minutes back to the beach…and our fancy "beach homes" awaiting us.

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