Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tunes in the Dunes - Ukulele Camp 2013

It's off to Camp Westwind and the Tunes in the Dunes ukulele camp weekend!  We have no idea what to expect, so with the spirit of we go.  How could we go wrong?  A weekend on the Oregon Coast playing ukulele with new friends and great instructors?

The beach at Westwind on the Pacific

Here's a seaweed we've never seen before!

 Our first ukulele camp adventure starts on September 19th as we drive to the Oregon Coast.  The day is totally glorious: sunny, warm and easy driving.  We arrive at Lincoln City, Oregon about four, check in to the Anchor Inn and go in search of dinner.
 We find Mo's ....a legendary seafood restaurant, yes, right on the water in Lincoln City.  It's a perfect fit as we have tickets to the uke concert at the Lincoln City Cultural Center starting at 7:00 sharp!  Steve keeps saying..."I've never seen such beautiful weather on the Oregon Coast!!"  Hum....what could he mean?  Turns out I have no idea!  But I figure it out!

Outside Mo's Restaurant....the coast beach!
 The concert, featuring our uke instructors for the weekend, was great.  We get an idea about what is in store for us for the next two and 1/2 days!

Then it's back to The Anchor Inn for the night.  This is a one of a kind sorta place.

Hanging from ceiling in community dining room....

Ok then.  Right at home, as this same life raft is attached to the top of Western Prince II, my whale/wildlife watching boat in Friday Harbor!  Let's just say, everywhere you look inside the inn and outside the inn...there is a surprise around every corner!

Community deck upstairs at the inn....have a sit...and a beer?

Upstairs lounge room, with lots of photos from days gone by.

Popcorn machine in main entry area!

Suite bedroom area

Sitting room area of suite room!
 The grounds are just as interesting as inside the inn lodge.  There's a spot for a photo op....a boat, with, yes, an octopus at the steering station!  Oh, and an octopus on the rail...and...
Outside grounds...."Trouble in the wheelhouse!"  

Yikes...what's that climbing up the side?

Where the breakfast eggs aare delivered!

The  (Historic) Anchor Inn is an adventure all of it's own, but we loved it.  The room is comfy and clean, the breakfast is fresh eggs or Swedish pancakes...all served at big tables where it's easy to meet other guests.  Some are attending the same uke camp we have come for!

Soon it's off for the river landing where we meet up to transit over to Westwind Camp on the Salmon River.
Check in before crossing the river to camp.

Steve dressed in rain gear with uke, ready to go!
Human baggage chain.....

We're pretty efficient...really!

Our chariot arrives....chorus everyone: "Oh the River is Wide..."

Ok...take us away!

Once we're on the other side of the river, life jackets off, we get to the "dune" part.  It's a hike through the sand up to the lodge area.  Fortunately, our bags are transported on the luggage wagon with a tractor.

On the other's hike up to the lodge.

They told me our accodations would be "up the hill."  Ok, I think, a hill, I can do hills.'s a view of the "hill" from the's 312 steps UP cliff...on this path, over tree roots....and thankgoodness for the head lamps we remembered to bring!!  Dark, dark, night.

The Path of Pergatory.....????

Then we arrive at the "Highland Cabins".....which turn out to be good shelter as it's RAINING....and there is an electric light inside....but...yes, the outhouse is outside...and down some dark path with steps...and it's always darker at 3:00 a.m.  Did you notice?

Home....for two nights.

After getting our gear up to Bagpipers Cabin in the Highlands....we return to the lodge (two trips!!!)...and it's lunch time!  The food here is spectacular, local, sustainable and prepared with care on site.  Yum!

Our camp schedule calls for two or three workshops per day, and a jam session or two....all uke all the time.  The instructors are fabulous!!!  It's so hard to choose which workshop to attend.  Steve and I split up most of the time, choosing something that seems to fit our fancy...of the moment.

The weather on Friday is RAINY.  Fortunately, we have both worn rain pants, rain jackets, and OR rain hats!!!  Yay for us!  We are dry.  Our sleeping bags and clothes stored in travel bags are dry, but know what I mean?

On Saturday....breakfast at 08:00 sharp!  We are there, ready for coffee.  Down 312 paces on the steep woody path...into the warm, comfy lodge, with breakfast and warm fire in the fireplace.

After breakfast we make our own lunches, store them away...and at lunch time have the opportunity to hike up the Westwind property to "the tippy top" of the southern bluff.  How could it be that much further than the Highland cabin???  (ohhh.....wrong!")  But in the sunshine...who notices?

Steve starts up the path.... 
Nan half way up....

It's a 1/2 hour trip, up, up, and up some more....through fabulous forests, past a lake, out to an overview, continuing up, a beautiful open meadow...called "High Meadow."  Of course.  

Nan reaches the tippy top!

And then there's the view.  The View!  Oh the open Pacific...and the place to scan for Grey whales.  That's what got me going in the first place....maybe there will be Greys going by.  (I'm a gambler.)

View from High Meadow

Stop for water and cookies....saved from lunch!

And the ocean and beach below....


And he remembered his uke....

A few go on to hike to "The Thumb".....
We arrive back at camp in time for afternoon workshops and a little bit of the after lunch sing along on the porch.  We are so happy that yesterday's, so yesterday!

This night there is a fantastic salmon dinner and then the group preformances.  Gulp.  But we all are successful....however you measure that.  By the fact that it was fun?  It was!

Instructors getting ready

On Sunday the rain returns.  Dang!  This time we are experienced travelers...and we wrap ALL our belongings in garbage bags.  Even the uke cases and overnight cases.  And ourselves...every inch in waterproof clothing.  "The Way In, is The Way Out!"

Everything in reverse.

Roll along bag placed in raincoat!

Packed up and ready to roll.

Amazingly is even wetter on the way out of camp.  We do the same hike through the sand, schlep the bags from the cart to the barge, get on the life jackets, get on the barge, get off the barge, do the human baggage line thing, in the sideways rain.  Sorry, no photos! But I do remember it.  Steve gets the car, we load our stuff and begin the drive back to the north....headlights on...pointed toward Washington.

Tunes in the Dunes 2013   (Tall peeps are in the back...way in the back!)

Our first ukulele retreat was full of new experieces, new and adventurous music, great community singing, wonderful preformances, a few challenges beyond the comforts of home, and we return richer for the opportunity to learn, meet new folks, see new territory and be surrounded by rhythm and melody for two days!

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