Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Fam...Texas Style!

You know how you always say...oh PLEASE come and visit us?  You know, if relatives live 2,500 miles away and are traveling by RV, you want them to come...but what are the chances?  This is a stop we CANNOT miss!  We have two neices and a nephew from my side of the family, and a niece and nephew on Steve's side of the family.  Important people!  Somehow, nephew Rob and wife Lynn wound up in Round Rock, Texas from Buffalo, NY.

We arrive about four in the afternoon and decide on a long walk with the dogs.  There are fabulous walking trails all around the housing area where Rob and Lynn live.  A few sprinkles of worries.  Half way out on our walk, with the rain sorta raining, nephew Rob comes by to give us a lift home due to weather.  Oh, no we say...we're FINE.  We're from Washington.  It rains there.

Ha ha ha ha HA!  Two minutes later the Texas heavens open up with a real Texas rain.  Texas is BIG. And so was this rain and thunder storm.  We arrive back soaking wet and hang up our clothes in the RV much for the first rain of our trip.

They have Blue Moon beer here!

Lynn and Rob 
Rob and Lynn take us out to dinner at The Salt Lick...which is, of course, Texas in BIG bar-b-que platters.

Dinner arrives...and there are "refills" on everything!  Ha ha
Steve said he wanted to have REAL Texas bar-b-que before we left the state...and we found out what that means!  A great evening out ....thanks to our great hosts,  Rob and Lynn!  (Yes, we have leftovers in our refer for lunch the next day!)

Rob warned us about famous Round Rock Donuts. The next day we had to find out just exactly what he means.

$5.99 buys you the Texas donut in the middle
Yup, another example of BIG in Texas...even the donuts have that option.  We buy three (small ones) and hope to get back to Rob before he leaves for a job.  Unfortunately waiting at Walgreens for an RX to be filled as a traveller, means we keep all three donuts!  What to do???

How do you visit folks, during the week,  who are barely 40 and working hard at day jobs?  We only spend 24 hours, but it was a great visit!  Now we hope they come our way!  REALLY!

Finn and Sparky watching Lynn as she goes off to work.
This is one of the highlights of our whole trip for Sparky and Skipper. Dog cousins!  Here are people with a DOG!  A BIG (remember Texas) friendly (remember Texas) dog, who lives in a house with a dog door!  And a back yard to run free!  And a ramp next to the stairs to run up and down!  Woof, Yippeee, WOOF! (remember Texas)

Rob, Aunt Nancy and Lynn

We are so greatful for this chance to connect!  The first half of our lives we live on opposite coasts.  Now it's more like 2/3rds of the country apart.   Let's keep the connection going!'re IT!

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