Thursday, December 6, 2012

Baja Bound Again!

No doubt about it....winter is on the wing...and soaring over Froglanding.  We finally manage to slip away from the island, with warm breezes and sunshine on our minds.  Leaving is a bit complicated by the failure of the Tracker (our tow vehicle) to pass it's annual physical.  Ok then.  Before time for a new car, it's time for a new car!  As by some premonition I have spent a day in June lurking around car dealers on the mainland.  But, I never really thought we would be suddenly "in the market" now.

Keeping in mind the rationale: "No Bad Days in Mulege".....

Remember why....

Somehow we are loaded up by Dec. 1st....cargo rack installed by Steve in the garage, kayaks up, and various other "must have" items stowed on top or inside.  The clothes are loaded, the books, the first aide supplies, the cameras, the binoculars, the computers, the dog food, the things needed or wanted for three months on the beach...all of it and then some...stuffed into 28' of RV and a deep cherry red Jeep.

Ready to roll!
Skipper and Sparky take up space inbetween our two seats.  I discover there is a lot to traveling with a not yet 6 month old pup who just happens to be teething.  He constantly looks for things to chew....ANYTHING to chew.  Quiet means he IS chewing something and if I haven't given it to him...he has discovered it for himself.  He is interested in so MANY things....pens, pencils, books, paper, tags, or how about Spanish flash cards?

Angel dogs...

We're big..but we're small!

Skipper must have done it... do you say

My choices for chewing: stuffy rabbit, stuffy pig with squeaker, stuff duck with squeaker destroyed, Kong rubber toy with peanut butter, Kong rubber bone with treats inside, Red Barn chew stick (*the favorite) and ice cubes.  When the above are totally run though, and it's not time for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and he's had a pit stop, then....kennel time with treats sprinkled inside.  Usually he falls fast asleep.  Finally.  Sparky is....well....sparky!
Who me?

We arrive in Quartzite, Arizona after three and a 1/2 days on the road.  We were blessed with dry pavement most of the way, some wind, but not too much wind, some rain, but no big storms, and NO snow!

 Our stop here has one purpose: Motosat satellite installation for internet on the road.

Has our name on it!
We drive through the gate at Advantage Satelitte on Wednesday and park for the night.  At 09:00 hours today the installation team put a ladder to the roof and by noon....the install is complete!


Up it goes.

System up and running!
This is one thing Steve is not installing himself and since this crew does it all the time, we are amazed at how efficiently and quickly it all goes.  Before I know it I'm giving up precious space inside my storage cabinet and the modem and boxes with blue lights are finding a home inside the Breeze.

There is still time left this afternoon for an oil change for the generator, and that happens by moving the RV one fence line over to the neighboring business.  Quartzite is set up for anything with "RV" in the description.

Tonight we are back in the yard at Advantage Satellite.  Paul said to test it out as long as we want and ask him as many questions as we can come up with.  So far so good.  It's very odd to think about having this luxury traveling along with us on top of our mini bus.  With the press of a few buttons the dish goes "up"....swivels around until it locks on satellite 83West....and we send off things like emails or this blog post...from my laptop...zooming into space...contacting 83West and .....zipping back to Earth...and you.  From anywhere the bus is.  Anywhere.  Oh my.

1 comment:

  1. WoW! fantastic, glad it all went well. I knew those yellow kayaks would look good on the red jeep! We're not far behind, see you soon.
