Thursday, September 6, 2012

Let the Baby Games Begin!

Today we find the L-12 family of Southern Resident Orca whales shopping the west side of San Juan Island.  Grocery list?  One word: Salmon!  Make that King salmon....oh, and prefer the Fraser River stock.  Appearently the delivery is in as this sub-family of L's plus a few other L pod males spend time today cruising back and forth in front of False Bay.  In this group is a three year old calf and the newest addition: L-119 born in February 2012.

L-119 practicing "Stealth Whale" game!

While big uncle, L-41 Mega, slowly cruises on the outside of the group, L-119 puts on quite a demonstartion of what, for all the world, look like "baby games!"

Bubbles....big ones!

I Spy?
Then, a series of five spy hops in a row.  Was something down below pulling her down, causing her head to pop up over and over?  What action!

Pop Up...Spy Hop!

Catch Up
Finally she puts on a spurt of high energy and catches up to mom.  It must be hard to play baby games, but try to engage adults?  

Time to move on....

Watching this young one gives me lots of ideas for baby Orca names.  Got a few yourself?  Hopefully she will thrive though the winter and next summer L-119 will be graced with the perfect nickname!  What will it be?

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