Friday, August 10, 2012

Hoping for Humpbacks

It's Wednesday morning, August 1st, in Juneau, Alaska and we are hoping for a humpback experience.  I have to remember, just because I am going on a "Whale Watch Quest" it is just that: a quest.  Since I do this all season at home, I know that wildlife is "wild life" and has no appointment scheduled to show up just for me.

Our boat is big.  I assume the experience will not exactly be "personal"....but we are off on a quest.
Speeding up the channel that leads to the Port of Juneau, the weather breaks and we are free of rain.  The clouds even appear hopeful as far as little windows of actual sky poking through.

It takes about 20 minutes before I spot another whale watching boat ahead.  I know that a really good sign is other whale watching boats that are stopped, as they are probably watching something.  And they are.  Two humpback whales are gliding around and occassionally doing deep dives ending with a beautiful fluke up in the air!  We don't stay long.  Hum.  Translation:  there is something better up ahead, or in this case, around the corner.

Three stealth humpbacks are skimming along the shore!  Suddenly they disappear.  And they don't reappear.  Until...there's a sudden explosion on the surface and one lunges up in the center of several whales...all with gaping huge mouths reaching for the sky!  Oh my goodness!  Get out that marker and check off "Humpback whales bubble net feeding" on the bucket list!  This is it!  And it goes on for an hour.

Two to Tango

Mr. or Ms. Big Mouth

Mr. or Ms. Bigger Mouth

Just a little bite

One from the rear view
We watch and watch.  What an amazing sight.  One of the largest animals on the planet, making a living off some of the smallest animals on the planet.  That thought always gives me pause.

A bit of Kairos Time today.  Chronos Time: time by the watch, schedules, you're late, hurry up kind of time.  Kairos Time: time spent in such a pleasurable endeavor that one doesn't notice time is passing, time out of time.

But eventually, chronos time catches up with us.  We must leave.  The bow turns to starboard, but not before one last look and a wave goodbye.  We couldn't have hoped for more!

Tomorrow...will we find Sea otters in Sitka???

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