We are away from the dock and practicaly flying through the water as we head north, north, north today! The whales are in Canada and there is no time to waste.
Coming to the junction of two channels we are rewarded with the sight of fins! Lots of fins heading for a small pass.
The water today is calm except for areas of current. There it races past underwater obstructions and along the shore. The whales seem to pick up on the energy of the water and tide rips by picking up the speed themselves. A few huge tail slaps get my attention. A juvenile pulls off a backward breach. More fluke action! The light is perfect for an "orcas in the mist" type photo.
Someone calls a switch! Whales head for the opposite shore and what a sight!
Could they actually be showing off? SO close to the beach and so many admirers on shore!
A long run, sunshine, warm weather, flat water...and yes, whales! Ever wonder how does a whale play hide 'n seek? Take a peek!
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